Thursday, February 21, 2013

36 weeks and a slight scare.

so on tuesday when i got to work at 2 i started having a few contractions, mostly in my back. nothing super strong or close together, nothing to really worry about. my doctor has been good about telling me what to watch for. but because i wasn't feeling super great, i started being more aware of little dude and his movements. he is usually such a mover! i've never had to focus on that or do kick counts because he is always moving! and lately he's been getting the hiccups too a few times a day. but for about an hour while at work i wasn't noticing him moving at all. i was texting my doctor and she told me to eat something sugary (so i ate some gummy bears and drank a capri sun), nudge him and poke at him (which i did and got no response...when usually he will move instantly when i do that). she told me to wait another hour and let her know. of course at this point i started getting worried. which i'm sure didn't help the situation. all while being at work and dealing with the usual tuesday chaos. another hour passed and nothing. i went and told my boss and of course broke down in tears, she told me i should go to the hospital which is what my doctor had also suggested, just to make sure everything was okay. i called bryce and he left work to come get me. it was about 5:00 at this time. my doctor had called the hospital to let them know we were coming. i had said several prayers by this time and i had calmed down quite a bit. i felt peace that everything was okay, but i just wanted to go and have them check him just in case. bryce was worried of course but he is my rock, he keeps me sane :) we got to the hospital and of course had to fill out a bunch of paper work because i had never been to that hospital. as soon as i was done with that they laid me back and found his heart beat. the sweetest little sound in the world. it was 147, exactly where they want it to be at this point. of course the minute they strap me up for the stress test our little dude starts moving and poking and being crazy. i cried tears of relief, because he was being the baby i've been used to again! they monitored us for about a half hour and they were so impressed with his movements and his heart. nothing to be worried about! they said he is perfect. such a relief and i honestly felt kind of stupid for going, but i would way rather be safe than sorry. they sent us home and told me to rest. they also told me (along with my doctor) that obviously he's running out of room and it's pretty common for him not to be AS active as he has been in the past. he's sleeping lots and also when i have contractions it's common for him not to move as much. so it was good news all around. i went home and wrote in my journal and rested as much as i could that night. the next day he was so active all day and had the hiccups lots! i was grateful, i love feeling him move around. 

i can't believe we're so close to meeting him. i love him so much.

my amazing brother in law took some maternity pictures for us last saturday. i love how they turned out and am so grateful for those memories we'll always have of my pregnancy! thanks j!

love, the vanchiere's

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