Tuesday, February 21, 2012

random weeknight goodness.

i love tuesdays can i just say? i don't have to work late...well let's be honest i only work late one night. but still, tuesdays are just great. earlier today i went shopping with my mama. one of my most favorite things. i was on a quest for a denim shirt because i have a great desire for one. no such luck.
buuuuttt...instead i found a few winning items to wear for me and bryce's "interview" for part of our wedding interview. needless to say i'm stoked about my purchase's especially because it's not too often i get to shop these days. :) also. i am beyond proud that it's been three, yes three days since my last blog post and here i am again. not to toot my own horn or anything. tee hee. 
also. my love is taking me to see the vow tonight. i am excited and i hope it's as good as everyone says.
i'll let y'all know how i like it. loves. :)

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