Thursday, September 13, 2012

and then there were three.

well folks the news is out! baby vanchiere #1 is on its way to us and we couldn't be more excited. besides feeling nauseous about 97% of my days so far, feeling like someone beat me up by the end of the day, and being tired of snacking slash finding things that sound good to eat, i am thoroughly enjoying every minute of this experience. :) but seriously i'm stoked. this is what i ever wanted. to be a mommy. and it's such a relief to know that it doesn't take us long to make that happen. we found out we were pregnant on july 9th and immediately told our parents. we couldn't hold it in! little by little the news started leaking out (even though i really didn't want everyone knowing). finally we got an ultrasound on september 7th and that was proof enough for me that this is really happening. so we decided to put it out there (on facebook and instagram of course, cause how else does news travel these days?) i already love our little human and though it's been an adjustment so far sharing my body with another being, i know this is the beginning of an amazing adventure. i'm grateful for my husband and his patience and love through all of this so far. :) happy days.
love, the vanchiere's.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! Motherhood is pretty much the coolest thing! I hope your nausea shouldn't last much longer since you are already in your 2nd trimester!

    Congrats again, so happy for you both!
