Friday, September 28, 2012

weeks turn into months.

fifteen weeks and four days is what my belly is at now. little human is the size of an avocado! yikes! i'm finally starting to look more pregnant. or maybe i'm just feeling less like i'm gonna throw up every two seconds and that's why i feel like i look more pregnant. who knows! we are going to find out what we're having soon and i'm so excited about that. i think it will definitely feel more real when we know what's in there! it still seems so crazy that in just six months we'll have a little person of our own out in the world. yikes. kinda scary sometimes. but it's what i ever wanted so i couldn't be more happy or grateful to be a mommy soon.
a couple things about this picture. it was taken two weeks ago because clearly i'm beyond that point. but we've been slacking taking pictures. weeks go by so fast! and also don't mind the picture of me in the background. this is the only decent space of plain wall we could find in our humble abode to take the picture. 

on another nephew peanut!
is that not the cutest thing you've ever seen? look at his little nose mouth and hands. 
ooh i love it. this is my sister ashlee's baby who is due in december. however he will most likely be making his appearance sooner than that. she is now on her 8th week of bed rest with this little dude. some parts of her body don't like to cooperate when pregnant and she has given up everything and been working so hard to keep this little guy inside. it has been such a stressful and scary journey for her and her husband. they would do just about anything they need to do in order to get him here safe and sound. she is currently 29 weeks along and the goal is to get to 32! fingers crossed and prayers are always welcome :) i've never met anyone who is more deserving of another precious spirit to enter their lives than my sister and her husband. things are going well right now! there's been lots of ups and downs, good news and bad news, but as of right now he is doing great and she is feeling ok! just restless and anxious for everything to be okay of course. i know that heavenly father is helping them and giving us all strength and peace to know that everything will be ok. i know that He is there and He answers our prayers, maybe not right away or in the way we think they should be answered, but I know that He does. I feel such a closeness to my family because of all of this. and the love we all feel for this little man is unmeasurable. i know most of all that his big brother Coen J is up there with him taking care of him and preparing him for his amazing parents. so if you can, include ashlee and baby peanut in your prayers tonight. xoxo
love, the vanchiere's