Friday, December 7, 2012

the waiting game.

well folks, my sister's baby A hasn't made his grand appearance yet! she is now a whopping 39 weeks and counting! who would have ever thought she would make it this far?? we all (especially ash) have to just laugh about it because it's crazy that after months of waiting and hoping that he would stay in just a little longer, here she is 5 days away from her due date! craziness is what it is. we all are just so relieved and excited and so anxious to meet this little man. i can't wait to see him! especially with christmas coming really is the most wonderful time of the year. i will definitely post the latest as it happens. 

meanwhile i'm over here just getting bigger and bigger by the day it seems. the past couple weeks i have seemed to pop and look more rounder. i love my tummy :) most of all i love love LOVE feeling our little dude kick around in there. he is a mover that's for sure. he seems to be enjoying that he has lots of room right now. we'll see what it's like when he doesn't have much space left. oh dear. i love being able to feel him in multiple places at once. i love that bryce gets to feel him move too. bryce loves talking to him and little dude totally reacts to his booming voice and will kick right away. it's the coolest :) we already have his dresser and his mimi (my mom) has already bought him several adorable outfits. it's so crazy that we're getting to that point where it's time to start thinking about registering, and getting his space ready and all of the stuff we'll need. yikes! it's sneaking up on us for sure. but we can't wait! i pretty much have no belly button anymore. which may be a bit TMI for some people but hey, the joys of pregnancy right? 
bryce thinks it's the funniest thing naturally. :)

my tummy at 24 weeks. getting harder to see my toes!

25 weeks! ps i love our christmas tree.

i am so grateful for the things in my life right now. even though at times my prego emotions get the best of me and i find myself complaining or whining, i really am so grateful for where i am in my life.
love, the vanchiere's