Thursday, December 27, 2012

updates galore!

drum roll sister's baby is here!! actually he was here almost three weeks ago but it's been a whirl wind so i'm just now posting it on this thing. 
Aiden Coen Smith was born early early monday morning, december 10, 2012.
he was 6 pounds 12 ounces 18 inches long.
he was and is so perfect and sweet and i am so in love with him.
ash's due date was december 13th so she had an appointment at 10:00 am monday morning to schedule her induction. but she didn't quite make it there :) on sunday night she sent me a text saying that she was having contractions that hurt real bad! so of course we told them to go to the hospital just in case! by the time they got there it was about 9:30 pm and we were stuck down in orem waiting and waiting for the word to head up to salt lake. so about 10:30 we got the word that this was really happening and we should head up! we were of course beyond excited! i couldn't believe it was happening! so we stopped by their house on the way to let out their dogs and get them settled for the night. then it was off to salt lake regional hospital! we got there at about 12:30 and she had just gotten her epidural. the nurse said it would be a while so the boys settled into the waiting room and fell asleep pretty quick. my mom and i stayed in the room with ash and jason and started waiting. and waiting. we were too anxious and excited to sleep! by the time ash finally relaxed and fell asleep for ten minutes the nurse came in to check her and it was time to push! this was at about 4:45 or so. ashlee did such an amazing job and it was such a blessing to be able to be in the room with them while she had Aiden. at 5:22 am baby A was born and it was such an amazing experience. words can't describe the feelings in that room. this was something everyone had been waiting for what seemed like forever for! what a blessing! and he was absolutely perfect from the moment we laid eyes on him. the first things we noticed about him were his perfect ears, his little nose, and his beautiful big lips/mouth. he gets that from his mommy and his uncle and auntie cait :) ah i just love him! needless to say we were all exhausted! especially ash of course. but at that point my mom and i had been up for like 36 hours. but it was so worth it!! it was the hardest thing ever to leave the hospital and go home. these past 2 1/2 weeks have been such an incredible whirl wind and we love this little guy so much! ash and j are already such amazing parents and i love watching them take care of aiden together. such a cute little family. ps sorry for the novel. props to you if you read it! :) get ready for some pics. not sure how i'm gonna pick which ones to post but here we go!

meet baby Aiden

                                                             meeting Uncle Ian...Ian loves him
                                            meeting Uncle Bryce and Auntie Cait. please ignore
                                                 the haggard look. it was a long night. :)

                                               probably my favorite picture of A baby. look
                                                                   at that squishy face!
                                            because i was the photographer for this event there
                                              aren't many pics on my camera of me with Aiden.
                                                     this was one of the few captured :)

i love this baby so much! i'm so grateful that everything went so well. best day ever :)
love, the vanchiere's

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog and I love you!! Aiden is so so cute!! I bet it makes you so excited to get your little guy here. I am so excited for you and you are going to be the cutest mommy ever!! I already texted you but i miss your gorgeous face and miss being able to talk to you like everyday! Hope you have been feeling okay through your pregnancy. Keep updating your blog so i can see what's going on in your life. Love you C MAC!!!! :)
